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Table 2 Baseline demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics of the studied patients

From: Prognostic implications of IDH1rs11554137 and IDH2R140Q SNPs mutations in cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia

Age (years)

Mean ± SD

45 ± 16


N (%)




56 (70)



24 (30)


N (%)




43 (53.8)



37 (46.2)


N (%)




29 (36.3)



51 (63.7)


N (%)




54 (67.5)



26 (32.5)

Hemoglobin (g/dl)

Mean ± SD

6.8 ± 1.6

TLC (× 109/L)

Mean ± SD

69 ± 41.7

Platelets (× 109/L)

Mean ± SD

30 ± 17

Blast cells (%)

Mean ± SD

72.2 ± 16.3

FAB Classification

N (%)




11 (13.8)



44 (55)



19 (23.8)



6 (7)

Time from diagnosis (days)

Mean ± SD

94 ± 78

  1. N number, SD standard deviation, TLC total leucocytic count