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Table 3 Frequency distribution of IL-1RN (VNTR) and IL-1β − 511C/T gene polymorphisms and IL-1RN/IL-1β haplotypes in renal transplant recipients and healthy controls

From: Association of IL-1β rs16944 and IL-1RN rs2234663 gene polymorphisms with graft function in renal transplant recipients

Gene polymorphism

Renal transplant recipients (n = 31)

Healthy controls (n = 26)


IL-1RN genotypes


22 (71%)

14 (53.8%)


 *1*2 + others

9 (29%)

12 (46.2%)


IL-1β genotypes


7 (22.6%)

6 (23.1%)


 CT + TT

24 (77.4%)

20 (76.9%)


IL-1RN/IL-1β haplotypes


24/62 (38.71%)

24/52 (46.15%)



38/62 (61.29%)

28/52 (53.85%)

  1. IL-1RN Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist, IL-1β, Interleukin-1β
  2. IL-1RN genotypes ‘others’ include the less frequent genotypes IL-1RN *2*2, *3*3, *2*4 and *1*3
  3. IL-1RN/IL-1β haplotypes ‘others’ include the less frequent haplotypes *1/T, *2/C, *2/T, *3/C, *3/T and*4/T
  4. p value ≤ 0.05 is considered to be statistically significant