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Table 2 Localization and functions of BCL-2 family proteins

From: Emerging biomarkers and potential therapeutics of the BCL-2 protein family: the apoptotic and anti-apoptotic context

BCL-2 protein

Subcellular localization




Consistently linked to the MOM and/or ER membrane

Both apoptosis effectors and BH3 only proteins are inhibited

[34, 53]


Located in the nucleus envelope, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and mitochondrial membrane surfaces

Bind to BAX or BAK to prevent apoptosis

[19, 54]


Placement to the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM), inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM)

BH3-only proteins are inhibited as well as apoptotic effectors. Has an impact on cellular health and development in addition to its known pro-survival activities



Loosely connected to the mitochondrial membrane and cytosol

Inhibits BH3-only proteins as well as apoptotic effectors

[19, 34, 36]


Identified on the Golgi apparatus, cytosol, nuclear envelope, and ER membranes

Opposes the activation of caspase and prevents the release of proapoptotic cytochrome c from mitochondria

[1, 56]


Always present on the OMM

Oligomerizes to create holes in the OMM, which is considered to enhance MOMP



Present on the OMM, often present in the cytoplasm as an inactive monomer

Oligomerizes to create holes in the OMM, which is considered to enhance MOMP



Detected on the ER membranes, nuclear outer membrane, and Golgi apparatus

Depends on BAX and BAK to promote apoptosis



Both the cytosol and the mitochondrial membrane

BAD is referred to as a "indirect" promoter of apoptosis because it causes cell death through inhibiting antiapoptotic proteins



Nucleus envelope, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), cytoplasm, and mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM)

Apoptotic induction, it also controls mitochondrial activity and cellular metabolism

[56, 60]


Placement on the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM)

Crucial p53-dependent apoptosis mediator. Activates BAK and BAX, resulting in MOMP

[19, 61]


Mostly found in the ER membrane

Directly impacts BCL-2 and BCL-2-like 1

[1, 62]